Archive for October 2017
Assalamualaikum, Yo!! Sorry lambat sangat update blog. Tak ada masa nak touch up blog sem ni disebabkan sibuk FYP sem ni. Seriously, I ended put away my studies and focus more on my final project. It's a really fucking terrible semester for me this year. Everything went upside down. Struggling fighting my own depression.
Btw, Me & Haifa has already broke up on August back then because we always fought on small things until she gave up on me. So..yeah, I don't blame her for it cuz that's a part of relationship. But I still can't move on with her cause of fyp group. At first we didn't talk much and she really do hates me. After a few weeks she's getting okay again with me. I dont know wether she still love me or not. Whatever. I don't wanna talk about it much.
About our final project, during the presentation day we're doing it great but not great as other group. Some of us didn't get to do early preparation so there's a bit mistakes we did and can't be helped during presentation. The panel was being physco and pressuring us by asking difficult questions to make us more nervous. It was fucking nervous that time. Tbh, It was a last minute project done same goes to some other groups as well. After the presentation day, we got the result. It was a disaster. We had to represent again. Obviously we could have pass it already but the panel was too strict and asked us to represent again. So we had no choice. During the represent day, we successful done and finally passed it.
Thank you.
So yeah, final was around the corner and I didn't get to study at all. This is the time where everyone being fucked up. It was Malptaac preparation. I'll story it on the next post.
Sorry for making you guys keep waiting for my new post. I had to draft every of it.
Btw, Me & Haifa has already broke up on August back then because we always fought on small things until she gave up on me. So..yeah, I don't blame her for it cuz that's a part of relationship. But I still can't move on with her cause of fyp group. At first we didn't talk much and she really do hates me. After a few weeks she's getting okay again with me. I dont know wether she still love me or not. Whatever. I don't wanna talk about it much.
About our final project, during the presentation day we're doing it great but not great as other group. Some of us didn't get to do early preparation so there's a bit mistakes we did and can't be helped during presentation. The panel was being physco and pressuring us by asking difficult questions to make us more nervous. It was fucking nervous that time. Tbh, It was a last minute project done same goes to some other groups as well. After the presentation day, we got the result. It was a disaster. We had to represent again. Obviously we could have pass it already but the panel was too strict and asked us to represent again. So we had no choice. During the represent day, we successful done and finally passed it.
Thank you.
So yeah, final was around the corner and I didn't get to study at all. This is the time where everyone being fucked up. It was Malptaac preparation. I'll story it on the next post.
Sorry for making you guys keep waiting for my new post. I had to draft every of it.