Posted by : Hazamee Monday, March 2, 2015

 Yosh! I'm back with a good & bad news. Good news is tomorrow,3rd March, SPM result is coming out! I'm soo excited about it!! I dont care if I failed my add math and account except for BM & SJ because I already tried my best and that's all I can do. But I hope I will get a better result, I mean a BETTER ONE than before. My target for SPM is between 2A-5A. Meh, I couldn't go further than that it because I know my limit.

 I don't seem to be worried about it because I have faith in myself that I will get flying colour. Just like I did during waiting PMR result, people start to talk about the result date and worried about their result while me sitting there playing computer games and I got 2A4B1C1D for PMR. I'm soo suprised! atleast 2A. Shit really happend sometimes xD

 And bad news is....there's gonna be a new person is this family. Yah I know it should be a 'good news' but no to me. :P This family getting bigger and more problems to me. After this there's gonna be more shit happen like you have to share your things,bedroom,food,computer and everything is this house.. Especially bedroom, I wanna have my own bedroom and privacy!! Haihh... I have to wait when I already have my own house soon so I can live peacefully!

 Anyway, Good luck to all SPM 2014 students and I hope you guys will get 10A+ or a good result like you hoped for! Well if you didn't get, it's okay! Don't give up! There's still more chance/time you to be a successful person! Your future is in your hand! Have a faith in yourself!

To SPM 2015 & PT3 students this year, Good luck and Wish you the Best !! 

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